Program Information

Tuition, Fees and Program Start Dates

To view full, in-depth program descriptions on all NYFA programs, please visit

Follow this link to view the programs tuition, fees and start dates:

Please note that tuition and fees are subject to change, so always check the provided link for the most up-to-date fees and dates.

You can also download a PDF version of the tuition and fees list:

2023 Price List

Occasionally workshops or programs may be cancelled due to circumstances beyond New York Film Academy’s control, including under-enrollment. In such circumstances, all tuition and NYFA fees will be fully refunded. However, NYFA recommends students purchase travel insurance to cover costs such as air fair and housing and any other non-NYFA fees, as NYFA cannot refund these expenses. If a program must be cancelled, you will be contacted no later than 30 days prior to your program start date.

Department Information Fast Facts

Acting for Film

Broadcast Journalism

Documentary Filmmaking


Musical Theatre




Virtual Reality

Course Catalogs

Detailed information on all programs at the New York Film Academy’s U.S. year-round campuses can be found in the online catalog for each campus. The online catalog includes extensive information on production costs, coursework, grading procedures, and much more.

New York City

Los Angeles

South Beach, Miami